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IGF 2019 - Fórum de Melhores Práticas sobre Conteúdo e Serviços Locais na Internet

O Fórum de Governança da Internet da ONU (IGF) tem tido um programa de atividades entre os eventos anuais ("intersessionals"). Entre estas estão os fóruns de melhores práticas ("best practice foruns", ou BPFs). Para o IGF Berlim 2019 foram aprovados quatro BPFs: 

BPF on IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence:

BPF on Cybersecurity:

BPF on Gender and Access:

BPF on Local Content:

Giacomo Mazzone (EBU) e Carlos A. Afonso (Nupef), ambos membros do Grupo Assessor Multissetorial do IGF (MAG), são facilitadores do BPF sobre conteúdo local. Além dos temas que já vinham sendo debatidos em anos anteriores, para este ano destaca-se o desafio da preservação de conteúdo local. Em vários países, sob distintas situações ou conjunturas políticas, ocorrem ações oficiais ou não que modificam ou mesmo destroem acervos culturais e dados históricos, buscam reescrever a história, ou deixam acervos desaparecerem ao sabor do tempo. O diálogo pretende trocar experiências e ideias sobre preservação ou proteção de acervos em todos os formatos.

A proposta, tal como aprovada pelo MAG, está em anexo. Abaixo está um resumo da proposta.


Proposal of a BPF on Local Content for IGF 2019
Local contents and services over the internet as part of the SDGs


Inspired by the discussions during the BPF workshop at the 2018 IGF meeting and by the large mobilization around this topic by a community of civil society actors and international organizations, the BPF on Local Content should be rechartered for IGF 2019 with a focus on both enabling favourable conditions for the production, development and exchange of local contents and services, and for the preservation of the information heritage of the various communities. 

The BPF intends to reflect on work done in other forums or by international organizations such as WIPO, UNESCO and WBU/EBU around the need to advance or enhance local content as part of the cultural assets of a community.

In UNESCO's current version of its Internet Universality Indicators, detailed references to content are in category "A" and "O" of its ROAMX classification (openness), divided into five themes.

Theme "E" (local content and language) of category "A" (accessibility to all) extensively addresses the relevance of local content (local being understood at different localization levels), but is theme "F" of category "R" (rights) which brings to fore the preservation of content -- the digital heritage of local communities, regions, and countries.
Regarding the UN SDGs, an essential, cross-cutting element of the strategies to evaluate performance regarding the SDGs' targets is information preservation -- in order to determine advance or regression of targets, reliable historic records of the factors affecting each target ought to be kept.

In each country, political changes or managerial inefficiencies may affect preservation of official information. A ministry or relevant public department may disappear or be absorbed by another, possibly affecting information gathering methods and criteria, or the preservation of archives. In more extreme cases, newly elected officials might decide to rewrite chapters of the country's history, or even erase or make inaccesible legal data affecting institutions and individuals. Trusted official information and archives, preserved and accessible over the Internet are an important source to face today’s “fake news” challenges.

The BPF could develop these two aspects of the UNESCO reflections (availability and preservation of local content).



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